to mail out by 6am on Monday November 2nd.
This will send people to the prelaunch squeeze page, where
they are cookied by you. Participating in the prelaunch will
greatly increase your conversions when we go live!
Version 1: Quick, Short, Get Them To Click Thru
Possible Subject: {first name}, WEIRD video
Possible Subject: one word.."crazy"
Hey {first name},
I just got off the phone with my buddy Elliott Hulse,
who is a personal trainer and gym owner.
Elliott just gave me permission to send you the following
video that contains some pretty WEIRD and embarrassing
moments. -----<<< Funny Video
Between you and me...
This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen about
building muscle and burning fat :)
I think you're gonna be shocked! -----<<< Go Check It Out!
Sign off,
{your name}
P.S. Are these guys chuckleheads? You be the judge.
Version 2: Longer blog style email
Possible Subject: {first name}, WEIRD video
Possible Subject: one word.."crazy"
Hey {first name},
I just got off the phone with my buddy Elliott Hulse,
who is a personal trainer and gym owner.
Elliott just gave me permission to send you the following
video that contains some pretty WEIRD and embarrassing
moments. ------<<< Funny Video
Between you and me...
This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen about
building muscle and burning fat :)
I think you're gonna be shocked!
Not only does Elliott and his buddy Mike Westerdal swallow
their pride and expose themselves for you, me and the rest
of the world to laugh and sneer at...
They also expose their jealously guarded strength
training tactics that caused them to build lean (fat free)
muscle at a ridiculously rapid rate.
The truth is that Elliott and Mike are still a little hesitant
about showing us this video, but they promised me that
it will at least be available until tomorrow. ----<<< Watch it now
Sign off,
{your name}
P.S. Are these guys chuckleheads? You be the judge.
Version 3: Newsletter style
Possible Subject: WEIRD and embarrassing video
Possible Subject: one word.."crazy"
Hi (firstname),
Mike & Elliott from just gave me a
sneek peak at their “Art of Rapid Transformation” videos.
Although they are entertaining and I love seeing people share
their embarrassing moments there’s some valuable content as well.
These guys seem to think that it’s possible to gain muscle and lose
fat simultaneously. If your goal is to do both at the same time this
video series is a must see for you. -----<<< FR-ee Videos
Mike & Elliott are a bit off the beaten path. You can expect to discover:
-Why 99% of all lifters eat and train wrong when it comes to losing
fat and gaining muscle... and how you can easily change that so
you get results.
-Why traditional cardio fails you every time.
-Why bulking and cutting is a thing of the past!
-The #1 most common mistake nearly all lifters make in the
gym which can rob you of results
-Why cavemen and ancient warriors knew exactly how to
maximize their lean muscle mass
I could go on and on here, but do yourself and a favor and just
head over to the site and check out the Rapid Transformation Videos. -----<<< FR-ee Videos
Hope you had a good weekend. Let me know what you think of the videos!
Sign off,
Your name
P.S. Click here for access to the Rapid Transformation Video series.
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